Homiletical Helps
Current Homiletical Helps articles which appeared in Concordia Journal
Holy Trinity • Genesis 1:1–2:4a • June 15, 2014
By Jason Broge As with any pericope there are a number of directions a sermon based on this text could take. When one considers the average parishioner’s…
Pentecost • Numbers 11:24–30 • June 8, 2014
By William Wrede Gift giving frequently accompanies celebrations. The birth of a child, the joining of man in woman in marriage, confirmation, graduation, and the like…
Easter 7 • Acts 1:12–26 • June 1, 2014
By Paul R. Raabe Acts 1:12–26 narrates what the followers of Jesus did after his ascension. They remained in Jerusalem as Jesus had commanded (Acts 1:4). Luke…
Easter 6 • Acts 17:16–31 • May 25, 2014
By Michael J. Redeker Ascension Day is fast upon us. In the Gospel reading for today, Jesus assures his disciples that, even though he is leaving…
Easter 5 • Acts 6:1–9; 7:2a, 51–60 • May 18, 2014
By Todd Jones We all like to be a part of a winning team. Up to this point in the book of Acts, the church was…
Easter 4 • Acts 2:42–47 • May 11, 2014
By Bruce Schuchard So those who heard and received in faith the testimony of Peter on the day of Pentecost were all that day baptized, all…
Easter 3 • Acts 2:14a, 36–41 • May 4, 2014
By Jeffrey A. Oschwald Dear preacher, please restore this text to the Easter season! For many hearers this text will seem a “stealing of Pentecost’s thunder”…
Easter 2 • Acts 5:29–42 • April 27, 2014
By David Wollenburg Collect: Almighty God, grant that we who have celebrated the Lord’s resurrection may by your grace confess in our life and conversation that…
Easter Sunday • Acts 10:34–43 • April 20, 2014
By Joel P. Okamoto In this pericope, Peter portrays Christ’s resurrection as God’s vindication of his identity and his work. In the resurrection, God gives assurance…