Isaiah’s Ancient Songs for Today: The Servant Justifies Many
Isaiah shows God justifying his creation through Christ and the writers of the New Testament reflect much of Isaiah’s words.
Galatians 2:15-21-3:10-14
Galatians 2:15-21-3:10-14 stems out a confrontation between Peter and Paul about justification and living by faith.
Galatians 2:15-21-3:10-14
Galatians 2:15-21 stems out a confrontation between Peter and Paul about justification and living by faith in Christ.
Systematics II 13A
Dr. Biermann explores Luther’s views on Sanctification and Justification.
007.May 2010 Book Blurbs: Who Do I Say that You Are?
A review of the book "Who do I Say that You Are" by Dr. William Schumacher.
(W)right with God?: A Response to N. T. Wright’s Vision of Justification (Part 1)
Wright himself momentarily recognizes the import of these verses, but then quickly slips into his salvation-historical scheme in which the “transferred” resurrection loses its real…
59 – What does the term sanctification mean for Paul?
Dr. Oschwald explains what Paul meant by sanctification.
Romans 1-8
Paul in Romans 1-8 is encouraging the Romans and reminding them they are justified by God and sanctified by God for salvation.