Natural Law
001- The Two Kingdoms, Part 1 – An Interview with Dr. Uwe Siemon-Netto
Dr. Meyer and Dr. Siemon-Netto discuss the two kingdoms doctrine of Martin Luther.
02- The Ten Commandments: Structure
Dr. Arand and Dr. Kolb explains the why Luther started with the Ten Commandments in the Small Catechism.
The Two Kingdoms, Part 1 – An Interview with Dr. Uwe Siemon-Netto
Dr. Meyer and Dr. Siemon-Netto discuss the two kingdoms doctrine of Martin Luther.
The Two Kingdoms, Part 2 – An Interview with Dr. Uwe Simeon-Netto
Dr. Meyer and Dr. Siemon-Netto continue their discussion of the Two Kingdoms Doctrine.
How you can use the natural law to get to the specific revelation.
Autonomy is contrary to God’s law.
A Study of Bioethics for Christian Students at a Secular University
The tenets of humanism have been incorporated into classes that deal with bioethical issues at public universities. Christian students are faced with the dilemma of…