I haven’t owned a video gaming system since my parents got my brother and me the original Nintendo. But I’ve seen the commercials for “Dante’s…
Having defined paradox as “the wedding of two seemingly contradictory truths that form a deeper truth” (17), Dr. Kurowski states the thesis of his book…
Fracis Rossow reviews PREACHING WITH ALL YOU’VE GOT: Embodying the Word. By David Day. Hendrickson Publishers, 2005. 186 pages. Paper. $16.95.
Merlin Rehm reviews NEW INTERNATION BIBLICAL COMMENTARY: Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther. By L. Allen and T. Laniak. Peabody: Hendrickson. 2003. 290 pages. Paper. $11.95
Merlin Rehm reviews JAMES, 1, 2, PETER, 1,2,3, JOHN, JUDE. (The People’s Bible). By Mark A. Jeske. Milwaukee: Northwestern Publishing House, 2002. 347 pages. Paper.…
Timothy Maschke reviews WORSHIP, GOTTESDIENST, CULTUS DEI: What the Lutheran Confessions Say About Worship. By James L. Brauer, editor. St. Louis: Concordia, 2005. 304 pages.…
María Teresa Dávila Noted ethics scholar Dr. María Teresa Dávila will speak at Concordia Seminary tomorrow night, Thursday, March 18, at 7:00PM. A professor at…
Coinciding with — I almost said “echoing” — the release of Tim Burton’s new take on “Alice in Wonderland” is a different kind of journey…
Timothy Maschke reviews THE WIT OF MARTIN LUTHER. By Eric W. Gritsch. Minneapolis: Augsburg Fortress, 2006. 142 pages. Paper. $7.00.