Lent 5 • Isaiah 43:16–21 • March 21, 2010

Lent 5 • Isaiah 43:16–21 • March 21, 2010

by Thomas Egger As the season of Lent approaches its climax—Jesus’s suffering, death, and resurrection—our Lord summons our attention: “Behold! I am about to do a new thing! Right now it sprouts forth—don’t you perceive it?” (Is 43:19) Ultimately, this pericope has an eschatological thrust. On this Sunday, however, it resonates with the rich Lenten ..

Welcomed Guests

Welcomed Guests

Welcomed Guests

Quite a few visitors stopped by to dine in our yard this winter. Most came after a fresh blanket of snow had fallen or when the temperature dropped into the teens.  White-throated sparrows from the boreal forests of Canada joined our local residents of Cardinals, Chickadees, Tit-mice, Carolina Wrens, Hairies, and Downies. Our surprise guest of honor was a tiny Ruby-crested kinglet. His constant flitting made it initially difficult for me to identify him

Lent 4 · Isaiah 12:1-6 · March 14, 2010

Lent 4 · Isaiah 12:1-6 · March 14, 2010

By Erik Herrmann There is some stiff competition in the lectionary with our Old Testament lesson for this Fourth Week in Lent. The Epistle reading is 2 Corinthians 5:16-21, Paul’s declaration that we are a new creation in Christ who has reconciled us to God and given the church the ministry of reconciliation. The Gospel ..

Lent 3 · Ezekiel 33:7-20 · March 7, 2010

Lent 3 · Ezekiel 33:7-20 · March 7, 2010

By Jeffrey Kloha Textual Background Ezekiel’s ministry took place among the captives taken to Babylon in the early sixth century BC prior to the destruction of Jerusalem. They were already experiencing God’s judgment. The cry of 33:10 expresses the crush of this judgment: “Surely our transgressions and our sins are upon us, and we rot ..