has become a popular Web site for news and reporting with an ultraconservative Christian slant. And it’s all one big joke. I have to…
It’s that time of year. Most of the the birds at our feeders are house sparrows. They descend upon the feeders in flocks and consume…
“Scripture in the Church: Formative or Formality?” is the title of the 21st annual Theological Symposium, to be held Sept. 21-22 on the campus of…
In his introduction to Wendell Berry’s recent book, Bringing it to the Table, Michael Pollan observes that one of Berry’s favorite quotes comes from British…
Urban chickens and the Kingdom of God
Quentin F. Wesselschmidt, 1937-2010. Pastor, theologian, baptized child of God. In memoriam.
When I think of the great plains, I think of wide open spaces, undulating landscapes like waves of an ocean, corn and wheat. I don’t…
The summer issue of the Concordia Journal (published by the faculty of Concordia Seminary) has just come out and its centered on the theme of…
Confessionum Lutheranarum Studiosi, a new Latin e-mail discussion group on the Lutheran confessions, has recently been founded, and you are invited to join in the…