“His Blood Be on Us and our Children!”: Joseph Ratzinger on Matthew 27:25
“Jews and the Death of Jesus: Thoughts as It Becomes an Issue Once Again” by Dr. James W. Voelz
I spent some time the other day looking through my “Civil Religion” posts from the past (almost) three years. Strangely enough, I never once wrote…
A new edition of Walter Koehler’s classic book COUNSELING AND CONFESSION is out, with new introduction by Rick Marrs. Plus, read here Harold Senkbeil’s new…
Over the holidays, a family friend pointed me to a guest op-ed in The New York Times. Being a lawyer, he schooled me on how…
From a Faculty Forum discussion
I was hoping there would be a handy reference resource someplace where I could look up basic information for the Lutheran seminaries on the continent.…
In connection with the Winter 2011 CONCORDIA JOURNAL and the Seminary’s partnership with Lutheran World Relief, more writings by past and present Concordia Seminary colleagues…
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