By Glenn A. Nielsen A Victory Parade—on a Donkey? Goal: That the hearers more firmly believe that Jesus is victorious over our greatest enemies. (The…
By Paul Raabe John 9 is the appointed gospel lesson for the Fourth Sunday in Lent (Series A). The appointed Old Testament lesson works well…
By Leopoldo A. Sánchez M. Life is never the same after you drink of this water! The familiar Samaritan woman text is seldom set in…
By Erik Herrmann “For Jews demand signs and Greeks seek wisdom, but we preach Christ crucified…” It was because of the signs that Nicodemus came…
By David L. Adams The Text as Text The text is in overall good condition, and the few substantive issues do not materially affect the…
By Robert Hoehner When Confronted with Adversity In preparing to proclaim the biblical truths of John 11, the preacher would do well to keep in…
By William Utech Matthew wanted his Jewish readers to know and believe that Jesus is the promised Messiah and therefore shows him fulfilling Old Testament…
By John Loum Introduction In general, you find that in Middle Eastern and African cultures food quite often is used in a time for fellowship,…
By Wally Becker This passage is part of Jesus’s Sermon on the Mount, Matthew 5 through 7. Although, at first glance, the verses in our…