Editor’s note: the following homiletical help is taken from David Schmitt’s sermon series “God’s Greater Story: A Sermon Series on Romans 6–14,” which is available for…
In light of Charlottesville (and the numerous tragedies before it), a word from Leo Sanchez.
Editor’s note: the following homiletical help is taken from David Schmitt’s sermon series “God’s Greater Story: A Sermon Series on Romans 6–14,” which is available for…
A Bible study on “our creaturely sense of wonder” to mark this once-every-century event.
A preview of this year’s Theological Symposium…including free golf and home brew.
Editor’s note: the following homiletical help is taken from David Schmitt’s sermon series “God’s Greater Story: A Sermon Series on Romans 6–14,” which is available for…
Martin Luther’s thought offers more than Lutherans are perhaps even aware of.
Concordia Seminary, St. Louis alumnus RJ Grunewald discusses his new book, Reading Romans with Luther, with Prof. Erik Herrmann.
Reformation 500 documentary premieres at St. Louis Filmmakers Showcase.