The first in a series of short interviews of new Concordia Seminary professors.
Chuck Arand will present “In Awesome Wonder: Finding Our Place in God’s Creation” on February 6, 2016.
By Travis Scholl [Advent’s historical] character was that of a joyous looking forward to the Parousia. . . . The fact that Christ has come…
Reflections on race and global Christianity at the 2015 American Academy of Religion (AAR) Annual Meeting in Atlanta, Georgia.
Dr. Reed Lessing to lead discussion of Job’s teaching on suffering.
David Schmitt on preaching Luke from Advent to Easter in Year C. Need we say more?
By Jeffrey A. Oschwald Luke 7:18?35 presents the preacher with a challenge: although unified by references to John, the three subsections are diverse in topic…
By Dale A. Meyer Straightforward and familiar, this easy text isn’t easy. John the Baptist, “brood of vipers,” “wrath to come,” “bear fruits . .…
By David Wollenburg Two gospel lessons are offered for this day: Both were recorded by Luke and so both are clearly Series C. They have…