Listening to the Word of God

Listening to the Word of GodListening to the Word of God publishes essays and responses from a 2013 conference of confessional Lutheran theology professors, held at the Lutherische Theologische Hochschule in Oberursel, Germany. The editors, Achim Behrens and Jorg Christian Salzmann, write in the preface:

Exegetes with a markedly Lutheran understanding discuss methods of Scriptural interpretation in this volume. All contributions are witness to the common conviction that Holy Scripture is expounded as God’s Word. But even in this closely related Lutheran “family” approaches vary and must be debated.

The conference papers and responses were originally delivered in English or German, depending on the presenter. The volume provides translations of all presentations that were originally given in German. Participants included faculty from Oberursel; Concordia Seminário, São Paulo (Brazil); Concordia Seminary, St. Louis (USA); the Församlingsfakultet in Göteborg (Sweden); as well as the Bishop of the Free Evangelical Lutheran Synod in South Africa.

Bibliographic information:

Behrens, Achim and Salzmann, Jorg Christian, hrsg., Listening to the Word of God: Exegetical Approaches (Oberurseler Hefte Ergänzungsband 16; Göttingen: Edition Ruprecht, 2016). 232 Seiten. ISBN: 978-3-8469-0197-7. 47,90 €.

The volume contents include:

Vorwort/Preface 7

Historical Approaches/Historische Zugänge 11

  • David L. Adams:  Some Observations on the Historicity of the Biblical Creation Account 13
  • Achim Behrens: Erwiderung 36
  • Achim Behrens: Response 40
  • Jorg Chr. Salzmann: Auslegung von Mt 14,22-33 vermittels historischer Zungänge – Sinn und Grenzen der Methodik 43
  • Jorg Chr. Salzmann: Exegesis of Matt 14:22-33 by Means of Historical Approaches – Significance and Limitations of a Method 55
  • Vilson Scholz: Response 67

Literary Approaches/Literarische Zugänge 71

  • James Voelz: Literary Interpretation of the Scriptures (Mark 8:22-26) 73
  • Jorg Chr. Salzmann: Erwiderung 95
  • Jorg Chr. Salzmann: Response 97
  • Achim Behrens: Linguistische und pragmatische Beobachtungen zu Amos 7,1-8,299
  • Achim Behrens: Linguistic and Text Pragmatic Observationsin Amos 7:1-8:2 109
  • Paul Raabe: Response 119

Contextual Approaches/Kontextuelle Zugänge 121

  • Timothy Saleska: Reading Psalm 1 in the Context of the Psalter: Voices in Conversation 123
  • David Adams: Response 140
  • Dieter Reinstorf: Apartheid and Present Day South Africa as a Context in Reading Galatians 3:26-28 144
  • Timo Laato: Response 163

Text and Authority/Text und Autorität 167

  • Jeffrey Kloha: Theological and Hermeneutical Reflections on the Ongoing Revisions of the Novum Testamentum Graece 169
  • Vilson Scholz: Response 207

Appendix/Anhang 211
Contributors to this Volume/Liste der Beiträger 213
Acknowledgements/Danksagungen 214
Bibliography/Literaturverzeichnis 216
Indices/Register 225

The volume is available from; here is a link to the publisher’s page. Several copies are currently being cataloged for the Concordia Seminary Library collection.

The copyright on the volume is retained by the publisher. Note that duplication or republication, including for education purposes, is not permitted without permission:

Alle rechte vorbehalten. Das Werk einschliesslich seiner Teile ist urheberrechtlich geschutzt. Jede Verwertung ausserhalb der engen Grenzen des Urhebergesetzes bedarf der vorherigen schriftlichen Zustimmung des Verlags. Diese ist auch erforderlich bei einer Nutzung fur lehr- und Unterrichtszwecke nach § 52a UrhG.

All rights reserved. The work, including its parts, is copyright protected. Any use outside the narrow limits of copyright law requires the prior written consent of the publisher. This is also required in any use for teaching and educational purposes in accordance with § 52a of the Copyright Act.

The presentations by Concordia Seminary, St. Louis faculty were previously delivered at the 2014 Day of Exegetical Reflection on campus. Video of these presentations is available here.





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