The familiar words of the Patriarch Joseph, “As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good” (Genesis 50:20 ESV) capture…

  • Preach, Sleep, and Play: A Little Encouragement for Busy Pastors

    Preach, Sleep, and Play: A Little Encouragement for Busy Pastors

    Here’s the understatement of the New Year: Pastors are busy people! Coming out of the hectic Christmas season, pastors look a bit worn out as…

  • Preachers Studio: David Maxwell

    Preachers Studio: David Maxwell

    The journey from text to pulpit can be a long and winding road, filled with false starts, surprising discoveries, and hard choices along the way.…

  • When Pastor Becomes Professor

    When Pastor Becomes Professor

    Now I understand Lionel Richie. “Easy like Sunday morning.” While serving in the parish, Sunday mornings were busy, and they gave birth to more activity…

  • “By Kindly Powers”: A Poem for the New Year by Dietrich Bonhoeffer

    “By Kindly Powers”: A Poem for the New Year by Dietrich Bonhoeffer

    Editor’s Note:  At the start of this New Year we are pleased to publish this fresh translation of Bonhoeffer’s poem “Von guten Mächten” by Pastor…

  • Faith and Film and a Fan of Sci-Fi

    Faith and Film and a Fan of Sci-Fi

    I do not regard myself as a movie-buff, by any means.  I watch movies but most of the time I only have the energy for…

  • Meet the Professor: Dr. Jon Vieker

    Meet the Professor: Dr. Jon Vieker

    Concordia Seminary President Dr. Thomas J. Egger sits down with Dr. Jon Vieker, who became associate professor of Practical Theology in August 2021. He also…

  • Meet the Professor: Dr. Ely Prieto

    Meet the Professor: Dr. Ely Prieto

    Concordia Seminary President Dr. Thomas J. Egger sits down with Dr. Ely Prieto, who became associate professor of Practical Theology in July 2021. He also…

  • Conversations in Preaching: Dr. Dean Nadasdy

    Conversations in Preaching: Dr. Dean Nadasdy

    Dr. David Schmitt, the Gregg H. Benidt Memorial Professor of Homiletics and Literature at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, chats with Lutheran theology scholar Dr. Dean…