Concordia Seminary faculty discuss with Croatian scholar Boris Gunjevi? the influential ideas of theologian John Milbank.
By Bruce Schuchard Paul faces the first stage of his trial in Rome before the emperor. Whether or not he will be found innocent and…
Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, will offer a one-day pre-Lenten workshop by Reed Lessing on campus on Friday, January 18, 2013.
It is rare to encounter a moving spiritual experience in the digital realm
By Michael Redeker ‘Tis the season when Christians make preparations to celebrate the birth of the Christ child, and there are only a few weeks…
Read the rest here: One lesson the church can learn from postelection America
By Paul Philp The divine court comes to order in Daniel’s vision within this text. Daniel first beholds the thrones being placed and the Ancient…
By Leopoldo Sanchez In his struggle against the pneumatomachians, who denied the divinity of the Holy Spirit by reducing his nature to that of a…
The Nestle-Aland 28th Edition: A First Look