Mark Schuler remembers Erich Kiehl, professor of exegetical theology, Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, 1975-1992.
The Summer 2012 CONCORDIA JOURNAL celebrates the 25th anniversary of Concordia Seminary’s Center for Hispanic Studies, focusing on the past, present, and future of Latino/Hispanic…
Relive, via video, Concordia Seminary’s Theological Symposium, held September 20-12, 2011, on “Rediscovering the Art of Preaching.” Featured presenters included Dean Nadasdy, Dale Meyer, David…
By David I. Lewis Introduction The Old Testament lesson for Proper 14 contains the introduction to the narrative of Elijah’s flight to Mt. Horeb and…
View video from the Day of Exegetical Reflection, held at Concordia Seminary on September 19, 2011, with the theme “The Bible in English: Its Present…
By Bruce M. Hartung It is an easy homiletical move to criticize and condemn the wandering children of Israel for their murmuring against Moses and…
Is Jesus the “Messiah” of Isaiah 9-11?
By Thomas Egger Congregations of the LCMS have not heard many sermons on the rainbow, since Genesis 9 did not occur in the lectionary cycles…
As part of the Center for Hispanic Studies’ 25th anniversary, Doug Groll and Leopoldo Sanchez discuss the past, present, and future of Hispanic/Latino theology and…