• It’s Hot in Kansas!

    It’s Hot in Kansas!

    I like the wide open spaces of the great plains, with the wavy hills and the big sky with its incredible cloudscapes.  Perhaps it is…

  • “Ragman” now available on DVD

    “Ragman” now available on DVD

    A little over a year ago, I wrote here about the premiere of the short film “Ragman.” Now, with over 25 international film festivals on…

  • Proper 16 • Isaiah 66:18–23 • August 22, 2010

    By Kyle Castens The House Restored It looked like something no one gave much thought to anymore. It was old and worn, ugly, in fact.…

  • Proper 15 • Jeremiah 23:16–29 • August 15, 2010

    By Travis J. Scholl The crux of this text is the ongoing conflict in Jeremiah between true and false prophets and Jeremiah’s own ongoing conflict…

  • Proper 14 • Genesis 15:1–6 • August 8, 2010

    By Robert W. Weise Inseparable Righteousness and Faith Introduction When someone promises you a special gift, you have faith in them and in their promised…

  • NYG—New Orleans II

    NYG—New Orleans II

    While at the National Youth Gathering in New Orleans, a gentleman from Southern Illinois approached me after my presentation and asked, “why hasn’t the church…

  • No more Protestants? Elena Kagan and faith on the Supreme Court

    No more Protestants? Elena Kagan and faith on the Supreme Court

    So the story has been kind of buried with all the other news making the headlines, but it’s still worth talking about. With the retirement…

  • NYG-New Orleans

    NYG-New Orleans

    This week I attended my first ever National Youth Gathering in New Orleans. I was impressed with the dedication and enthusiasm of those who played…

  • Richer, deeper, and more satisfying

    Richer, deeper, and more satisfying

    “What would it look like to move from ‘more, bigger, faster’ to ‘richer, deeper and more satisfying?’” No, that quote is not from a church…