By Bruce Schuchard So those who heard and received in faith the testimony of Peter on the day of Pentecost were all that day baptized, all…
New ways to engage lifelong learning in ministry.
The “Gospel of Jesus’ Wife” is in the news again. Here is a summary of the most recent developments; it seems that, despite recent news…
By Jeffrey A. Oschwald Dear preacher, please restore this text to the Easter season! For many hearers this text will seem a “stealing of Pentecost’s thunder”…
By David Wollenburg Collect: Almighty God, grant that we who have celebrated the Lord’s resurrection may by your grace confess in our life and conversation that…
Preaching the resurrection among the undead.
The summer 2014 series of workshops for pastors, professional church workers, and interested laypersons, at various locations across the country.
Continued here: Renowned historian to speak at Concordia Seminary
No particular anniversary of Lucas Cranach is near on the horizon, but since Steven Ozment will soon be at the Seminary to lecture on “How…