Which direction?
Editor’s Note: On March 21, Prof. Oswald Bayer gave the lecture “A Public Mystery” at Concordia Seminary. More information on the lecture is available here,…
Books by people who actually believe stuff
It is that time of year again–Plainsong Passion according to Mark.
Originally posted here: "Reaping Where You Did Not Sow"
HERETICS FOR ARMCHAIR THEOLOGIANS. By Justo Gonzalez and Catherine Gonzalez. Louisville: Westminster John Knox Press, 2008. 166 pages. Paper. $17.00. Reviewed by Henry Rowold, Concordia…
“Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.” Reflecting on Christ’s words along the way to the cross.
STRANGERS WITHIN OUR GATES: East Meets West: Language, Religion, and Politics. By Paul Boeder. Indianapolis: Xlibris, 2009. 164 pages. Paper. $19.99. Reviewed by Francis Rossow,…