What is Lutheran?
One of my students who has an interest in the early church thought he had run across an indication that there were times when the…
Yesterday, in the Chapel of St. Timothy and St. Titus, Dr. Erik Herrmann chanted the text of the passion account from the Gospel according to…
See the original post: Writing the Bible, and other reasons to go to Grand Rapids
Last week, Concordia Seminary hosted Luther scholar Oswald Bayer’s lecture, “A Public Mystery,” co-sponsored by Lutheran Quarterly.
Can you imagine The New York Times printing a critique of scientific atheism? That fact alone might be taken as wry proof for the existence…
Read the original: Together with All Creatures blog: James Cameron’s Deep Sea Dive
Robert Kolb provides a sweeping overview of how Lutherans have conceived of and acted out “discipleship,” from the 16th century to today.
“Reaching the Summit and Holding On to Hope: 1 Corinthians 15 and the Resurrection” is presented in five video vignettes. The first four videos feature…