The summer 2014 series of workshops for pastors, professional church workers, and interested laypersons, at various locations across the country.
Continued here: Renowned historian to speak at Concordia Seminary
No particular anniversary of Lucas Cranach is near on the horizon, but since Steven Ozment will soon be at the Seminary to lecture on “How…
Yesterday was the anniversary of Johannes Bugenhagen’s sleep in the Lord … but yesterday was about waking, not sleeping (Christus resurrexit: vere resurrexit: Alleluia!). Still,…
Truth — would you recognize it if you saw it?
Five ways to preach the resurrection, and not just at Easter.
The third Reformation500 annual speaker series at Concordia Seminary will feature Steven Ozment, McLean Professor of Ancient and Modern History at Harvard University. This year the…
As if you didn’t have enough to worry about with your taxes due on April 15….
Oxford University Press has published (April 2014) The Oxford Handbook of Martin Luther’s Theology, in its series of “Handbooks” to aid study of a wide…