Here is the original post: Why should Protestants care about the Pope?
By Paul R. Raabe The epistle lesson for the Sixth Sunday in Lent/Palm Sunday (series C) is the famous Carmen Christi of Philippians 2:5–11. Because…
By Jeffrey A. Oschwald Paul’s “putting out of mind the course already covered and straining toward the goal that lies ahead” (Phil 3:13), warns today’s…
Highlights from the new LCMS report on immigration, “Immigrants Among Us.”
By David R. Maxwell New Creation, New Identity In this reading, Paul employs two dominant themes: 1) new creation and 2) reconciliation. Are these the…
By David Wollenberg In our text the Apostle Paul is addressing the issue of how we live as brothers and sisters in Christ in this…
David Maxwell discusses his new translation of Cyril’s Commentary on John.
Concordia Seminary has published three free Bible Studies for use in congregations. These studies include videos, leader guides, and handouts for discussions. These studies are…