Spend time with faculty exploring a variety of topics from small groups to Revelation.
By Rick Marrs Background Our text is the end of Jesus’s High Priestly Prayer. Parts of the rest of this prayer, 17:1– 19, are texts for…
Call Day is the high point on the Concordia Seminary calendar. But how do we get there?
By Ben Haupt At the beginning of his Gospel, the Apostle John inscribes one of his main themes: “From his fullness we have all received, grace…
…or is it the best kept secret in American Christianity?
By Jeff Gibbs This lection from John 16 shows how important it is to first interpret what a text meant before one can take in…
Watch via live stream, follow on social media at #CallDay2016
Is there an imbalance in our Good Friday and Easter (and the Sundays before and after) preaching?
By Joel C. Elowsky Our text follows on the popular Good Shepherd text, which speaks of the Son and the Father’s care for their sheep. No…