December 19 ANTIPHON O Root of Jesse, standing as an ensign before the peoples, before Whom all kings are mute, to Whom the nations…
December 18 ANTIPHON O Adonai, and Ruler of the House of Israel, Who appeared to Moses in the burning bush and gave him the Law…
Today in chapel we had a service that prayed and sung the O Antiphons of Advent. Traditionally, the O Antiphons were sung consecutively beginning on…
Continuing the conversation with new Concordia Seminary Professor Mark Seifrid.
By Todd Jones Joy to the world, Christmas has come! For many, the joy of this holiday season is in the opened gifts and the…
. . . from the SBL Annual Meeting in Atlanta, Georgia (Nov 21-24, 2015).
The first in a series of short interviews of new Concordia Seminary professors.
Chuck Arand will present “In Awesome Wonder: Finding Our Place in God’s Creation” on February 6, 2016.
By Travis Scholl [Advent’s historical] character was that of a joyous looking forward to the Parousia. . . . The fact that Christ has come…