Ecumenical Witness

Ecumenical Witness

Ecumenical Witness

Editor’s Note:  The Fall issue of the Concordia Journal is now being distributed to our subscribers.  This issue is dedicated to various perspectives on ecumenism and church relations, including an essay by the important Luther scholar and Roman Catholic ecumenist, Fr. Jared Wicks, S.J.  Our own Charles Arand provides a helpful introduction, highlighting the timeliness of ..

Listening to the Word of God, Day 1

Listening to the Word of God, Day 1

The first day of the “Listening to God’s Word” theological symposium at the Lutherische Theologische Hochschule, Oberursel, focused on “Historical Approaches” to the text, using Genesis 1 and Matt 14:22-33 as test cases. The symposium’s goal is not to “settle” right and wrong interpretations, but to discuss together different ways that the biblical texts are studied. The ..

Listening to God’s Word

Listening to God’s Word

Listening to God’s Word

“And behold, a  lawyer stood up to put Jesus to the test, saying, “Teacher, what shall I do to  inherit eternal life?” He said to him, “What is written in the Law? How do you read it?” (Luke 10:25-26). It is possible to know and read the Scriptures—yet not understand them. The teacher of the ..

Reformation Day • Romans 3:19–28 • October 27, 2013

Reformation Day • Romans 3:19–28 • October 27, 2013

By Bruce Schuchard The church’s celebration, its regular remembrance, of seminal events––like the Reformation––happens so that the faithful might be encouraged to remember and never to forget what the faithful must never forget. Thus, the chief, the simplest, the most fundamental, articles of the faith are the focus, so that the faithful might remain grounded, ..

Isaiah’s Ancient Songs for Today

Isaiah’s Ancient Songs for Today

Isaiah’s Ancient Songs for Today

In the Word from Concordia Seminary is a unique, complete electronic Bible study-in-a-box. All the materials you need to facilitate the Bible study topic are downloadable – the Student study sheets, the Leader Guides, and the video presentations. This series, “Isaiah’s Ancient Song for Today: The Servant Suffers for Straying Sheep,” is presented by Dr. ..