New Bible Study on Jeremiah by Reed Lessing

New Bible Study on Jeremiah by Reed Lessing

New Bible Study on Jeremiah by Reed Lessing

Dr. Reed Lessing, Professor of Exegetical Theology at Concordia Seminary, is the author of a new Bible study: “Jeremiah: A Book on Surviving Disasters.” According to the publisher, Author Reed Lessing uses the Book of Jeremiah as the source material for helping us as God’s people to survive disasters through such means as honesty, refusing ..

The Calling – A Growing Interest in Vocation

The Calling – A Growing Interest in Vocation

The Calling – A Growing Interest in Vocation

I’ve been watching a documentary on PBS called The Calling. It follows “seven young religious students — Muslim, Catholic, Evangelical Christian, and Jewish — who are on a dramatic journey as they train to become the next generation of professional clergy.” While the documentary is focused on professional clergy, the concept has been expanded to ..

Whooping Cranes

Whooping Cranes

Peter Mathieson, in his book, Birds of Heaven, made the comment that one “one way to grasp the main perspectives of environment and biodiversity is to understand the origins and precious nature of a single living form” (Mathieson, xv). Following that advice, I’ve taken up an interest in whooping cranes and am seeking to learn all that I can them in terms of their life, habitat, and conservation efforts to save them. In addition, I’m hoping to visit various places in this country where those efforts are ongoing and write about them in the future. In the meantime, I ran across this really nice video from the Texas Parks and Wildlife Service that highlights their graceful beauty and sonorous bugling