Translating Offices in the New Testament
First in a series
On suffering, the Bible, and preaching – Part 1
In connection with the Winter 2011 CONCORDIA JOURNAL and the Seminary’s partnership with Lutheran World Relief, a collection of writings by past and present Concordia…
Virtually a Confession
New media and your soul
Concordia Journal Currents – January 2011
Dr. Jeffrey Kloha walks us through a number of ancient books and manuscripts which can be found in the Concordia Seminary Library.
Scientifically Demonstrable . . . Sort of
What is Truth?
Bible Translations and the Christmas Story
Something about Mary
Another New Bible in English
They’re changing my Bible again??!!?
Lord, Keep Us Steadfast in Thy Word
Sola Fide and some really old guys
Bible is focus of Concordia Seminary’s upcoming symposium
Stephen Fowl “Scripture in the Church: Formative or Formality?” is the title of the 21st annual Theological Symposium, to be held Sept. 21-22 on the…