Bob Kolb
Kolb Festschrift Announced: From Wittenberg to the World
This summer was the 13th International Congress of Luther Research. The Congress is generally held every 5 years, and continues be the venue for the…
Book Blurbs: Bob Kolb on The Way of Concord
Bob Kolb discusses his latest book with Chuck Arand.
Baptism of our Lord • Luke 3:15–22 • January 10, 2016
By Robert Kolb I am not particularly fond of John the Baptist. It is not his strange clothes or his strange diet that puts me…
The Resurrection of our Lord · Mark 16:1-8 · April 12, 2009
By Robert Kolb Introductory thoughts: These women appear to be bewildered, to be sure, and somewhat befuddled and bungling. They apparently had just not thought…
Second Sunday after the Epiphany · John 1:43-51 · January 18, 2009
By Robert Kolb Context Jesus has begun to gather his disciples. John the Baptist’s advertising of this “Lamb of God” has attracted the curious (1:15-37). Simon…