Concordia Seminary
St. Louis Post-Dispatch’s Bill McClellan on Call Day
St. Louis Post-Dispatch/ columnist Bill McClellan used his Sunday column (May 2, 2010) to talk about Concordia Seminary’s Call Day.
“The Royal Banners Forward Go”
Three views on worship from guest contributors Kent Burreson, David Adams, and Robert Kolb.
A Call Day Celebration
Today was “Call Day.” So I rode my bike.
How one seminary celebrated Earth Day
Getting ready to plant 75 trees at Concordia Seminary. Credit: Diane Meyer/Respublica “Christ is risen! Christ will come again! Let’s go plant some trees!” Which…
Earth Day: together with all creatures
I blog elsewhere about the adventures (and misadventures) of trying my hand with a small hobby farm. Most of the time, the joys and struggles of…
Day of Homiletical Reflection – May 5, 2010
Paul Scott Wilson featured at Day of Homiletical Reflection, May 5.
When *I* was a seminary student . . .
Does learning theology happen by transmitting information?
Latina ethics scholar to speak at Concordia Seminary
María Teresa Dávila Noted ethics scholar Dr. María Teresa Dávila will speak at Concordia Seminary tomorrow night, Thursday, March 18, at 7:00PM. A professor at…