Concordia Seminary
Award-Winning Seminarian Essays
Two CSL students recently had essays recognized and published. The online journal Let’s Talk states their goal as follows: The mission of this journal is…
Hearing Good Friday
A couple weeks ago Dr. Erik Herrmann discussed the singing of the passion narrative. He and seminarian Dallas Dubke sang Matthew’s narrative in chapel this…
Day of Homiletical Reflection – May 11, 2011
Dr. Thomas Troeger will be the featured speaker at the 9th annual Day of Homiletical Reflection – Wednesday, May 11, 2011.
Concordia Historical Institute to host Muehlenberg exhibit – April 26-May 20, 2011
Concordia Historical Institute, in cooperation with Concordia Seminary, will host a special exhibit on Henry Melchior Muhlenberg, April 26-May 20, 2011, at CHI museum on…
Watch Concordia Seminary’s Phase One renovation in real time
Track the progress of the renovation of Koburg Hall and the dining complex into the new Benidt Seminary Center.
4th Annual PsalmFest – April 10, 2011
PsalmFest, featuring reflections on Psalm 46 by Tim Saleska and numerous musical ensembles, will happen on Sunday, April 10, 2011, 3:00pm.
Invitation to Conversation, Part 2: Bob Kolb on the Ecclesiology of the Lutheran Confessional Writings
A few weeks ago we posted the first of a series of questions used as the basis of discussion for a Faculty Forum, centered on…
“Son of Man” in the Gospels: A Faculty Discussion
Who is the son of man?
Invitation to Conversation: Bob Kolb on the Ecclesiology of the Lutheran Confessional Writings
From a Faculty Forum discussion