pastoral care
Christ Centered Counseling: Next Steps
A new blog series on techniques and best practices to make Christian counseling more Christ centered.
Book Blurbs: Rick Marrs, Making Christian Counseling More Christ Centered
Rick Marrs discusses his new book, which focuses on the law-gospel dynamic in Christian counseling.
ICYMI: Rick Marrs on the Daily Struggle
Rick Marrs talks about the Christian’s struggle between the old self and the new self.
ICYMI: Spiritual Care in a Time of Social Distancing
A webinar on spiritual care in the midst of coronavirus with Rick Marrs and Bruce Hartung.
Christ-Centered Counseling
Rick Marrs talks about his work in pastoral care and counseling, including his new book on how to make it more Christ centered.
Book Blurbs: Bruce Hartung on congregational and church worker health
Bruce Hartung discusses his companion books on health and wellness in ministry.
2015 Theological Symposium Videos
Better late than never…videos of presentations around the theme, “In Remembrance of Me: Memory and the Life of Faith.” (Videos from 2016 Theological Symposium coming…
Meet the Professor: Mark Rockenbach (Part 2)
Continuing the conversation with Prof. Rockenbach (part 2 of 2).