Popular Culture
Prof Insights: Josh Hollmann
Dr. Joshua Hollmann introduces his summer workshop, “Pop Culture and Theology.”
Losing Face[book]
Why I abandoned the third largest “country” in the world.
Love and Justice
The problem of God’s justice in Love Wins
Love Wins Goes to College
Reflections from a campus pastor, Greg Michael
Does “Love Win” for Luther?
A look at a Luther quote from the popular book, by Pastor Ben Haupt
Love Wins: Review by Tony Cook
A more appropriate title might have been Hell is Hyperbole: What God wants, God gets.
Heaven Is For Real
A Christian Father’s Sincere Love, and a Deeply-Flawed Understanding of Salvation.
Heaven and Hell, Children and Rob Bell
May 21 has come and gone, we’re all still here. But “the end times” and what will happen to us when either the or our…