Popular Culture
Macy’s, Handel’s Messiah, and a random act of hyperspace
By now, it has been making the email and Facebook rounds many times over: The Opera Company of Philadelphia hides in the Center City Philadephia…
Burning Coals and Korans
What to do with enemies?
Christwire: “The Onion” for Christians?
Christwire.org has become a popular Web site for news and reporting with an ultraconservative Christian slant. And it’s all one big joke. I have to…
The Bible as literature: David, Elvis, and the cult of celebrity
King David, The King, Bono, and the cult of celebrity. Did the story arc of celebrity start with the biblical figure of David?
The Bible as literature: Bob Dylan and the near-sacrifice of Isaac
Oh God said to Abraham, “Kill me a son” Abe says, “Man, you must be puttin’ me on” God say, “No.” Abe say, “What?” God…
Looking for a summer read? The American Mind Meets the Mind of Christ
…is the title of the newest book from the Concordia Seminary Press. The American Mind Meets the Mind of Christ is a collection of essays…
Thank you, BP, for deconstructing my faith in technology
Technology trying to save technology. (Photo credit: Reuters) The recent capping of the oil well in the Gulf of Mexico aside, now the Coast Guard…
Earth Day: together with all creatures
I blog elsewhere about the adventures (and misadventures) of trying my hand with a small hobby farm. Most of the time, the joys and struggles of…
Dante’s Inferno and the simulacrum of hell
I haven’t owned a video gaming system since my parents got my brother and me the original Nintendo. But I’ve seen the commercials for “Dante’s…