On suffering, the Bible, and preaching – Part 1
In connection with the Winter 2011 CONCORDIA JOURNAL and the Seminary’s partnership with Lutheran World Relief, a collection of writings by past and present Concordia…
Purely Academic?
I like crossword puzzles. I do a couple (or more) each day. That doesn’t mean I’ve mastered them. Usually I don’t get far on Thursday’s…
Earth Day: together with all creatures
I blog elsewhere about the adventures (and misadventures) of trying my hand with a small hobby farm. Most of the time, the joys and struggles of…
Day of Homiletical Reflection – May 5, 2010
Paul Scott Wilson featured at Day of Homiletical Reflection, May 5.
The Seduction of Extremes: Swallowing Camels and Straining Gnats, by Peter Kurowski
Having defined paradox as “the wedding of two seemingly contradictory truths that form a deeper truth” (17), Dr. Kurowski states the thesis of his book…
Preaching With All You’ve Got: Embodying the Word, by David Day
Fracis Rossow reviews PREACHING WITH ALL YOU’VE GOT: Embodying the Word. By David Day. Hendrickson Publishers, 2005. 186 pages. Paper. $16.95.
Lent 4 · Isaiah 12:1-6 · March 14, 2010
By Erik Herrmann There is some stiff competition in the lectionary with our Old Testament lesson for this Fourth Week in Lent. The Epistle reading…
Lent 1 · Deuteronomy 26:1-11 · February 21, 2010
By Glenn Nielsen The approach for this sermon is a textual structure that uses key phrases in the text in the order in which they appear.…
The Transfiguration of Our Lord · Deuteronomy 34:1-12 · February 14, 2010
By Travis Scholl None of the gospels tell us what mountain Jesus climbed with Peter, James, and John to be transfigured. But I’d like to…