religion and science
A Few Reflections on Creation in Genesis 1
…in light of the evangelical creationism debates.
A Travel Guide to the Evangelical Creation Debates: What is Evolutionary Creationism?
Exploring the most recent creationist movement in American Evangelicalism.
A Travel Guide to the Evangelical Creation Debates: What is Young Earth Creationism?
Exploring the creationist movement that arose in the mid-20th century.
A Travel Guide to the Evangelical Creation Debates: What is Old Earth Creationism?
Exploring the creationist movement that predates Darwin by fifty years.
“In Remembrance of Me: Memory and the Life of Faith” – The 2015 Theological Symposium
Videos of the plenary presentations by Steve Joordens and Charlotte Linde, in conjunction with essays published in the Spring 2016 CONCORDIA JOURNAL.