Robert Kolb
Lent 4 • Isaiah 42:14–21 • March 30, 2014
By Robert Kolb Introductory thoughts The final verse of the pericope governs our use of it and its context in chapter 42. The Lord takes pleasure…
Hearing Lutheran Voices in Reformed Pulpits
Those who try to follow the pulse of American Christianity would be familiar with the name Tullian Tchividjian (even if it takes a little practice…
Hot off the Press! Read the intro to the new book INVITING COMMUNITY
Get a sneak peek at the new collection of essays from Concordia Seminary Press.
Faculty Booksigning – Tuesday, May 14, 2013
Concordia Seminary faculty who have published books in the past year will be honored at the annual faculty booksigning.
The Preacher’s Studio: Robert Kolb
Preacher’s Studio is a chance to take a step back and talk about the art and craft of preaching. Today’s preacher: ROBERT KOLB, on preaching…
Lent 2 • Philippians 3:17–4:1 • February 24, 2013
By Robert Kolb Introductory thoughts “Walk this way,” Mel Brook’s Igor the hunchback said (from the movie Young Frankenstein). Following in his footsteps, Doctor Frankenstein…
Teaching God’s Children
Read the introduction and first chapter of Robert Kolb’s “Teaching God’s Children His Teaching,” newly revised and hot off the Concordia Seminary Press.
Concordia Seminary celebrates faculty authors
At its annual booksigning reception, Concordia Seminary honored the following faculty who have written or contributed to books published in the last year.
Concordia Journal Currents – Talking Theology with Oswald Bayer
Erik Herrmann and Robert Kolb recently took the opportunity to chat with world-renowned theologian Oswald Bayer.