two kingdoms
Christian Politics: Living in Two Realms
CSLScholar is Concordia Seminary’s digital library with a host of on-demand resources. Take time to peruse its wealth of topics. Among the latest additions to…
Christ Centered Counseling … and Justification
Rick Marrs talks with David Loy about the connections between Christian counseling, justification, and the distinction between law and gospel.
Word and Work: Religious Liberty
Dale Meyer interviews Greg Seltz about the Lutheran Center for Religious Liberty.
Word and Work: How Christians Can Engage Politics
Joel Biermann discusses his book Wholly Citizens with Dale Meyer.
Book Blurbs: Joel Biermann on how Christians engage politics and culture
Biermann discusses his new book on the doctrine of two kingdoms (or realms).
Church is Not the State
Thoughts on religion from India, via Victor Raj.
Wholly Citizens: an excerpt from Joel Biermann’s new book
Hot off the press…on the doctrine of the two kingdoms and how Christians engage the world.
God’s Two Sustaining Hands
Can government have a positive role in God’s Kingdom?
Religion and Politics in America: A Bigger Challenge Than We Think
God’s Masks and a “Christian” Nation