“Drop Your Nets and Follow Me”
A new resource for those considering church work…or who should be.
The Future of Theological Education
Dale Meyer talks with Daniel Aleshire about the future of seminaries, pastoral formation, and continuing education.
Word and Work: Vocation Beyond the 9-to-5
Lutheran Hour Speaker Mike Zeigler talks about juggling the many callings of the Christian life.
Word and Work: Leadership in the Public Sphere
Discussing vocation and leadership with Eric Knost, superintendent of the largest school district in St. Louis County.
ICYMI: Bob Kolb Writes at the Gospel Coalition
…about how “God Cares About Your Mundane Calling.”
Acton Institute’s Interview with Uwe Siemon-Netto
The most recent volume of the Acton Institute’s journal, Religion & Liberty, features an intriguing interview with Lutheran journalist and theologian, Uwe Siemon-Netto. Past scholar in residence at Concordia Seminary,…
The Calling – A Growing Interest in Vocation
I’ve been watching a documentary on PBS called The Calling. It follows “seven young religious students — Muslim, Catholic, Evangelical Christian, and Jewish — who…
What would Luther think about health care reform?
What would Luther think about health care reform? I don’t know for certain, of course, but I have some ideas about what Luther would think,…