Symposium Preview: Worship

Concordia Seminary Dean and Professor John H.C. Fritz (1874-1953) once wrote:

“Luther says that David in the 119th Psalm gives unto him who would be a theologian a threefold rule, which he chooses to express in three words: oratio, meditatio, tentatio (prayer, study and personal experience). The preacher who neglects diligently to ask God to bless his work, who does not diligently study his Bible, and all that will be helpful to him in his calling, and who has but little experienced the power of the Word in his own heart and life, will not make a successful preacher nor pastor.” (from Four Hundred Years Commemorative Essays on the Reformation of Dr. Martin Luther and Its Blessed Results)

Oratio, Meditatio, Tentatio are key elements of a theological symposium on justification. Each day symposium participants will join the seminary community for worship in the Chapel of St. Timothy and Titus.

Tuesday, 8:30am
Peter Nafzger, Assistant Professor of Practical Theology, will serve as the preacher with the theme “Thy Strong Word.”

Wednesday, 8:30–9:30am
William Schumacher, Professor of Historical Theology and Director of the Institute for Mission Studies, will provide the homily emphasizing the future of the church.

Great scholarship…mission training…practical ideas for ministry…renewing old friendships and making new ones…free golf…good food…quality home brew…AND WORSHIP…all make this symposium a “nearly” perfect opportunity for continuing education.  Make your reservations today at

Other previews include an overview, sectionals, and special events.

For more information, please contact Continuing Education at 314-505-7286 or [email protected].

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