Anselm, friendship, and “how we think about God”

Anselm, friendship, and “how we think about God”

Anselm of Canterbury, under glass Feed your inner philosopher by checking out this column by Nathan Schneider on the “Happy Days” blog at the NY Times. If you want to go further outside the box, check out the provocative religion blog that Schneider edits: Killing the Buddha . Anselm of Canterbury was the eleventh century philosopher and theologian who famously articulated what we now know as his ‘ontological’ proof for God

Faith and Creative Writing

Faith and Creative Writing

That’s the title of a summer workshop I will be leading later this month (July 27-29) at Concordia Seminary. It’s a topic I’ve studied, talked, and thought about for a long time. Peter Mead, senior editor at Creative Communications for the Parish , will lead some of the presentations too

My first Father’s Day as a father

My first Father’s Day as a father

Giotto’s “Saint Francis preaching to the birds” This is my very first Father’s Day as both a son and a father. Other than the blazing heat that feels more like August than June, it has been a very good day. When we found out we were expecting, a good friend and fellow writer who is also a father urged me to write down thoughts and events as much as possible, as a kind of fatherly discipline