Symposium Preview: Sectionals

As we seek to better understand the doctrine of “justification,” we must ask the Lutheran question, “What does this mean” for us today? But Luther also asked, “How is this done?” In the Symposium sectionals Concordia Seminary faculty, staff, and guest speakers will address ways to apply the learnings of this symposium to congregational life and ministry.

Participants will have the opportunity to select one of three sectional tracks, or choose from all three, to focus on their particular areas of interest.

TRACK 1—The Reformation and Christian Theology

Luther on Church and Councils
Paul Robinson, Professor of Historical Theology, Concordia Seminary

Zwingli as Theological Spoiler
Timothy Dost, Associate Professor of Historical Theology, Concordia Seminary

‘Where the Word is, There is the Church’: Luther and the Ministry of the Word
Gerhard Bode, Dean of Advanced Studies, Concordia Seminary

TRACK 2—The Reformation and the Christian Life

SOLA! What are we fighting for?
Heather Davis and Leann Luchinger, authors of Loaded Words, Freeing 12 Hard Bible Words From Their Baggage

Vocation and Priesthood of All Believers
Rev. Jeff Cloeter, Senior Pastor of Christ Memorial Lutheran Church, St. Louis

Law-Gospel Counseling
Richard Marrs, Associate Professor of Practical Theology, Concordia Seminary

Luther and the Art of Narrative in Preaching
David Schmitt, Professor of Practical Theology, Concordia Seminary

TRACK 3—All Things Reformation

Seeing Beauty in the Bible: The Reformation of Imagination
Rev. Dr. Matthew Rosebrock, Pastor of Risen Savior Lutheran Church, Byron, IL

The Turkish Reason Pope Leo X Was Angered by Luther’s Protest against Indulgences
Rev. Dr. James Kroemer, Pastor of Christ Memorial Lutheran Church, Milwaukee, WI

Teaching the Reformation in a University Setting: Lessons from a Biblical and Patristics Scholar
Benjamin Nickodemus, Professor, Concordia University, Portland, OR

The Reformation Doctrine of Justification as the ‘Unifying Center’ of Theology and Missions
Rev. Glenn Fluegge, District Missionary, Concordia University, Irvine, CA

The Ministry of the Word is the Highest Office in the Church: Theses on the Nature and Ministry of the Word in, and through, the Life of Every Baptized Believer
Rev. Dr. Anthony Steinbronn, President of LCMS New Jersey District

Justification in a Scientific Age
Rev. Matt Shive, Pastor of Concordia Lutheran Church, Findlay, OH

Other previews include an overview, special events, and worship.

Great scholarship…mission training…practical ideas for ministry…renewing old friendships and making new ones…free golf…good food…quality home brew…all make this symposium a “nearly” perfect opportunity for continuing education.  Make your reservations today at

For more information, please contact Continuing Education at 314-505-7286 or [email protected].





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