“I heard a preacher say recently that hope is a revolutionary patience; let me add that so is being a writer” (Anne Lamott). In its…
Dr. Carol Geisler discusses trends within the emergent church “conversation” and their impact on denominational structures and practices, particularly those found in the Lutheran Church-Missouri…
In connection with his article in the Spring 2011 Concordia Journal, Dr. David Schmitt presents a sermon preached in the Concordia Seminary chapel to illustrate…
This new semi-regular video series features preachers discussing the art of preaching with students, faculty, and pastors within the context of a specific sermon they…
Check out the Spring 2011 CONCORDIA JOURNAL, with an excerpt from David Schmitt’s tour-de-force on “the tapestry of preaching.”
By Henry Rowold “Feed Them!” As happens regularly in Scripture, this pericope is so rich that it can evoke an entire series of sermons, without…
By Robert Weise Parables of Assurance and Hope I would suggest that the best reference for studying the context of these three parables that “assure them…
By Travis J. Scholl Consider this act two in the grand dramatic entrance of the parables into the Gospel of Matthew and the Matthean lectionary, the…
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