“My Song is Love Unknown”
A Concordia Seminary choir sings the beloved hymn.
A Church of Missionaries
Dale Meyer talks with Gary Thies, founder of Mission Central.
“O Sacred Head, Now Wounded”
A Concordia Seminary choir sings the classic Passion hymn.
“Adoramus Te, Christe”
The choir Laudamus sings the chant often sung on Good Friday.
“Christ, the Life of All the Living”
A Concordia Seminary choir sings the classic Lenten hymn.
A New President
An interview with Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, President-elect Thomas Egger.
A Daily Lectionary for Lent
Dwelling in the Word of God on the way to the cross.
The Devotional Life of Lent
David Schmitt discusses the practices of the Lenten season in today’s world.