Articles written by the faculty and staff of Concordia Seminary, St. Louis
Listening to God’s Word
“And behold, a lawyer stood up to put Jesus to the test, saying, “Teacher, what shall I do to inherit eternal life?” He said to…
FAQ #2 on Luther’s Two Kinds of Righteousness
The second video in a series of FAQs on Luther’s two kinds of righteousness: Where did Luther get the distinction of two kinds of righteousness?
FAQ #1 on Luther’s Two Kinds of Righteousness
The first video in a series of FAQs on Luther’s two kinds of righteousness: Introduction, and Is the distinction of two kinds of righteousness biblical?
Isaiah’s Ancient Songs for Today
In the Word from Concordia Seminary is a unique, complete electronic Bible study-in-a-box. All the materials you need to facilitate the Bible study topic are…
What makes a book sacred?
Continued here: What makes a book sacred?
A View of the Gospel From Saturn
A few weeks ago, the Cassini spacecraft flew by Saturn. As it did so, it turned its cameras back toward earth and and snapped pictures…