Matthew 18 and “in statu confessionis”
Thinking about the collegiality (or lack thereof) among the church’s pastors….
Symposium Sneak Peek #1: Erik Herrmann and Chuck Arand
The first of four sneak peeks into the main plenary presentations for the 2014 Theological Symposium (September 23-24).
A Time to Listen
Beginning the conversations begun by what’s happened in Ferguson.
Symposium Sectionals: Going Deeper
Every year at our theological symposium, we not only hold several public lectures dedicated to the symposium theme (this year it is “Faithful Witness”), but…
The connections between Ferguson, Chattanooga, and a town near you
How Ferguson affects ministry in Chattanooga (and a church near you).
Trying to see clearly in #Ferguson’s haze
Excerpt from: Trying to see clearly in #Ferguson’s haze
Why Stewardship Matters…
…and it’s not just about the money.
Acton Institute’s Interview with Uwe Siemon-Netto
The most recent volume of the Acton Institute’s journal, Religion & Liberty, features an intriguing interview with Lutheran journalist and theologian, Uwe Siemon-Netto. Past scholar in residence at Concordia Seminary,…