Inaugural Symposium Golf Outing
See if you can beat Professor Voelz’s score at the inaugural Symposium Golf Outing.
Special Symposium Lecture in Hispanic Studies
Tuesday night of this year’s Theological Symposium (Sept 23) will feature a Center for Hispanic Studies lecture by Dr. Daisy Machado.
New video reading guide for “A Case for Character”
A video companion to virtue ethics and Joel Biermann’s book “A Case for Character.”
Day of Exegetical Reflection 2014: “Listening to God’s Word in the 21st Century”
Last November (2013) a conference was held at Oberursel in Germany that involved the faculty of the Lutherische Theologische Hochschule of the independent Lutheran church…
Pastoral Formation Survey
The faculty of Concordia Seminary is in the midst of an assessment and revision process for the residential Master of Divinity, Alternate Route, and Deaconess…
Call for Papers
The Theological Symposium committee invites proposals for open sectionals during the Theological Symposium, September 23-24, 2014, “Faithful Witness to God’s Story in the World Around…
Blood in My Mouth
Dreaming about a sermon in the week before Pentecost.
“God’s Greater Story”: A Romans sermon series by David Schmitt
Just in time for the upcoming series of readings from Romans in the lectionary.