Prayer for the Election of a New Seminary President
To be included in prayers of the church for Sunday, May 10, 2020.
ICYMI: Rick Marrs on the Daily Struggle
Rick Marrs talks about the Christian’s struggle between the old self and the new self.
ICYMI: Spiritual Care in a Time of Social Distancing
A webinar on spiritual care in the midst of coronavirus with Rick Marrs and Bruce Hartung.
ICYMI: Kolb on Luther and Pandemic
Robert Kolb talks about Martin Luther in light of the current pandemic.
ICYMI: 2019 Theological Symposium Videos
Videos of 2019 Theological Symposium presentations on the theme, “Devoted: (Re)forming the Devotional Life.”
ICYMI: Credo Podcast with Bob Kolb
“Will the Real Luther Please Stand Up?”
ICYMI: Trevor Sutton on “Hip Hop and the Christian Conversion Narrative”
Trevor Sutton on the rapper Flame’s new album, and the rise of conversion narratives in hip hop.
New Lenten Sermon Series Now Available
Download Ben Haupt’s “Lent for All Nations.”
ICYMI: Leo Sanchez, “A Latino Classical Musician?”
On “mestizaje” in the world of Bach, Beethoven, and Brahms.