By Glenn Nielsen The approach for this sermon is a textual structure that uses key phrases in the text in the order in which they appear.…
By Travis Scholl None of the gospels tell us what mountain Jesus climbed with Peter, James, and John to be transfigured. But I’d like to…
By Kent Burreson The Theophany of God, Cleansing, and Call of Isaiah The Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany offers the opportunity to preach on a liturgical…
By Reed Lessing Introduction “Blessed Lord, who hast caused all Holy Scriptures to be written for our learning, grant that we may in such wise hear…
By Bruce M. Hartung Sermon theme Without a center and a core, life is chaotic and without overall meaning. The center and core of life…
By Thomas Egger This text presents a wonderful opportunity to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus in a way that faces up to the homeliness of…
By Reed Lessing “He Only Has Eyes For You!” Overview of the text The verb יצר creates an inclusio around Isaiah 43:1-7, as it appears in…
By Travis J. Scholl Wisdom doesn’t seem to come up much in our biblical preaching, despite the fact that the themes and literature of wisdom play…
By Travis J. Scholl “The text is designed so that the memory is a generative event in subsequent generations of Israel, generative of energy and courage…