A classic study of the Lutheran Confessions and the Scriptures by theologian ARTHUR CARL PIEPKORN, appearing here in conjunction with the Spring 2010 issue of…
One of my favorite quotes comes from Wendell Berry (not surprisingly). In commenting on the nature of the abundant life, he makes the statement that material…
Book Blurb: “Who Do I Say That You Are?”
Athletes giving all praise to . . . who?
UPDATE: the Spring 2010 issue of the Concordia Journal hit the mail on Thursday, May 20. Here’s a couple excerpts to whet your appetites.
Dr. Lowell Zuck presents a historical and theological study of Luther’s writings against the seventh-day Sabbatarians, which are significant in marking a transition in his…
As the Director of Vicarage and Deaconess Internships, I keep track of how many congregations apply for a vicar and how many students are available…
A 16 minute silent movie clip of the 1926 dedication of Concordia Seminary’s Clayton campus, and a prayer for harmony
In what is fast becoming a graduation week tradition, Concordia Seminary will honor faculty members who have recently written or contributed to published books on…