…is the title of the newest book from the Concordia Seminary Press. The American Mind Meets the Mind of Christ is a collection of essays…
There are various reasons why Christians may approach environmental issues with a skeptical eye and be reluctant to embrace them. One is the concern that…
The “Chandos portrait” of Shakespeare Last night I taught our first class in a course entitled “The Bible as Literature” in Wash U’s University College…
Last February I changed the confession of sins that was to be used in the worship services. I regularly assist at Grace Lutheran Chapel in…
Always provocatively and confessionally Lutheran, a link to Rev. John Nunes’ good words in answer to the question “Where is God in times of tragedy?”…
Technology trying to save technology. (Photo credit: Reuters) The recent capping of the oil well in the Gulf of Mexico aside, now the Coast Guard…
I’ve been thinking about the meaning or lessons to be drawn from the oil spill disaster in the Gulf of Mexico. Many others have as…
Reflections on the Perfect Game that Wasn’t
A cherished tradition in the arts continues… The Concordia summer carillon concert series plays every Tuesday in June at 7:00 p.m.