The Review of Biblical Literature, a publication of the Society of Biblical Literature, published a very positive review of Prof. Reed Lessing’s commentary on Isaiah 40-55…
By Kyle Castens “What are you looking at?” Hey, someone’s staring at you. Well, what are you to do? Some stares are seen as a…
Original post: On Don Draper, Dostoevsky, and the anti-hero in us all
What is a pastor? In this season of ordinations, an ordination sermon from Joel Biermann.
By Jeffrey Kloha Just as 1 Corinthians 13 is often called the “love” chapter, Hebrews 11 is typically labeled the “faith” chapter. What must be…
…for Concordia Seminary’s 2013 Theological Symposium on the theme of “From the Creation to the New Creation: Seeing All Things in Light of the Entire…
By Jeff Gibbs Colossians 3:1–13 divides neatly into two sections. The first (vv. 1–4) calls believers to focus their attention on Christ, in relation both…
By Joel Biermann True to form, Paul uses the first verse, bluntly to declare his point: you received Jesus Christ the Lord, so walk in…
“From the Creation to the New Creation” will feature main presenters David Schmitt, Jeff Gibbs, Charles Arand, and Paul Raabe. This year’s Symposium will include…