In light of Pope Francis’ recent visit to the United States, a few thoughts on his first encyclical.
By Joel Biermann This text hardly ranks among the most popular or familiar of those gathered in the pericopes; but with its stern warnings, emphasis…
By Charles Arand Twice Honored By God This particular lectionary provides an opportunity to connect the text with the overarching storyline of Scripture. At the…
By Anthony Cook The book of James is a collection of exhortations written to encourage Christians to live out their Christian identity in their daily…
Performances for 2015-16 on Oct. 4, Dec. 13, Feb. 7, and May 15, all at 3:00pm in the Seminary Chapel.
By Jeffrey Kloha James 3 and 4 stand among the harshest condemnations found in the NT. To be called “earthly, unspiritual, demonic” is certainly not…
Fall session to be held on the Wednesdays in October.
By William W. Schumacher The text of this passage from the Epistle of James is interesting both grammatically and lexically. The passage is rich in…
Dr. Jim Voelz to give inaugural Kingsbury Chair lecture during this year’s Symposium, on September 22, 2015.